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How CMMS is Transforming Manufacturing

As manufacturers digitally transform, their maintenance practices also need to evolve. Shifting to proactive forms of maintenance makes sense, but to do it effectively, they need to use a computerised maintenance management system. Here are five reasons why.

April 26, 2023
6 min read

Manufacturing computerised maintenance management systems (CMMS) have been around for decades. Yet, while not considered the latest in smart manufacturing technologies, CMMS is just as much a part of today’s smart manufacturing solutions as the industrial IoT and AI.

In fact, today’s CMMS are sophisticated solutions that have proven themselves over many years and the impact they’re having on manufacturing continues unabated. But as technology, manufacturing techniques, workforce skills and equipment all evolve, so does the scope of CMMS. Irrespective of the advancements made to date, there’s a long way to go for the software solution and the industry.

Here’s where the manufacturing industry stands today – and how CMMS systems continue to make an impact.

Prevent the Problems Plaguing the Sector

Despite advances in technology and maintenance strategies, unplanned downtime remains a big issue. According to this report, in the manufacturing industry, unplanned downtime costs approximately $260,000 per hour, with manufacturers experiencing approximately 800 hours every year. The leading cause? Ageing equipment. That said, poor or inadequate maintenance practices directly impact the bottom line, as well – one study estimated that the total annual costs associated with maintenance is approximately $222 billion.

That’s a massive financial hole that needs to be plugged and it’s indicative that much work remains to be done if manufacturers are to prevent the problems plaguing the sector. And while technology is perpetuating a raft of shiny new tools hitting the market, the reality is that doing more with existing, proven and well-established solutions is a much more likely route to success. Little surprise then that Future Market Insights predicts the CMMS market is projected to reach $4215 million by 2033, up from $1636 million by 2022.

That’s a spectacular growth rate in little over a decade. But when you consider the ways in which CMMS is continuing to transform manufacturing, it’s easy to see how it will be realised.

Five Ways CMMS is Transforming Manufacturing

  • Equipment failures can be avoided - Avoiding unplanned downtime cannot be done without data, supplied in real-time and with constant monitoring. This, in turn, is impossible without the ability to simplify the gargantuan volume of information from disparate and disconnected systems. CMMS software does precisely that, making it easier to transform how companies maintain their valuable assets. It certainly worked for Accruent customer, L'Oréal: through the implementation of a CMMS, they were able to implement preventive maintenance schedules that diminish breakdowns, quantify performance, and minimise maintenance costs.
  • Machine maintenance requests can be processed in real-time - The most important thing to track in the manufacturing business is existing machine performance. If it is not tracked effectively, present production lines can be shut down unnecessarily. For instance, if an error is highlighted in production, the ability to identify, stop and address the issue on a single batch or production line is preferable to a total shut-down. This is only possible with CMMS, which can not only identify which equipment has failed, but also take the next-best action based on maintenance and machine history.
  • Real-time monitoring of equipment performance – Plant managers can use manufacturing CMMS software to manage their teams’ work orders by tracking, reviewing, and prioritising them in real-time. This functionality can be used by engineers, technicians, and operators to keep the team on track. In addition, technicians can also utilise various technologies such as pressure and temperature sensors to perform real-time monitoring of equipment performance, enabling them to quickly identify and address issues to improve efficiency and minimise downtime.
  • Creating a more data-driven organisation - Manufacturers understand the power of data. In fact, 60% plan to focus even more on data analytics to increase operational efficiency over the next 12 months. And with good reason – when it comes to maintenance, a manufacturer's efforts to act quickly are predicated on its ability to gather, analyse and derive accurate insights from data. Yet for many, the siloed nature of data in their organisation makes this a significant challenge. With a CMMS, all relevant data - including work orders,
  • billing and invoicing, reporting, inventory and asset management information – is centralised, making it easier to ensure it is accurate and helping companies make informed decisions.
  • Simplifies work order management - CMMS software makes submitting, managing, updating and tracking work orders (and related data) easier. This increases uptime, prepares teams for audits, and streamlines preventative maintenance practices. One Accruent customer was able to improve work order tracking from 50% to 90% thanks to the deployment of an automated CMMS system, covering 130 maintenance team members across 11 locations.

Realise Your Growth Potential With CMMS

This is no longer a question of ‘do manufacturing companies need CMMS’? It’s quite clear, by now, that modern manufacturing organizations do need a dedicated work order management and preventive maintenance system.

The real question? Are manufacturing companies making the most out of their CMMS systems, do they have the best processes in place, and can they do more with what they’ve got? Despite the ubiquitous awareness of CMMS, the answers to these particular questions remain unequivocally opaque.

But that is where Accruent can help. Our Maintenance Connection solution is used by some of the world’s biggest manufacturers. It is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, and whether it’s work orders or inventory management, our expert team can identify precisely where a CMMS can add the most value. If you still have doubts, consider this. Boston Consulting Group analysed data in 2020 and found that digitally integrated companies’ annual earnings grew 1.8 times more than their non-digitally enabled competitors, while their enterprise value increased 2.4 times.

We want to help you realise that growth.

Want to Learn More?

If you're a manufacturer looking to streamline your maintenance processes, then a computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) could be just what you need. To get started, check out these helpful resources:

  • Learn the Basics: If you're new to CMMS software, start with our primer on what it is and how it works. This will give you a better understanding of how CMMS can benefit your manufacturing facility.
  • Move to Predictive Maintenance: By using a CMMS, you can shift from reactive maintenance to proactive maintenance, also known as predictive maintenance. Learn more about the benefits of predictive maintenance in this blog post.
  • Calculate ROI: Want to know the return on investment (ROI) of implementing a CMMS? Check out our handy calculator to see how much you could save by using a CMMS for your maintenance management needs.

If you're interested in finding out how a CMMS can benefit your organisationget in touch with one of our experts today. 

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April 26, 2023