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Predictions for “The New Normal” on the College Campus

How and when will we return to campus? What is the future of higher education? Explore predictions for the new normal on college and university campuses.

13 min read

We’ve been doing a lot of listening lately, to our clients, to industry thought leaders, and top of mind for leaders, faculty, staff and students are questions. Questions like: how and when will we return to the campus? What changes will need to be made to ensure everyone's safety and well-being is a top priority? How will this impact the future of higher education?

Accruent and EMS are in the fortunate position of having clients across many industries and geographies. Exposure to all types of institutions at varying levels of preparedness for this remote world we currently live in has given our team a uniquely informed perspective on how campuses small and large are adapting.

We discuss some unique approaches we have witnessed for supporting an increasingly remote constituency, policies and controls to implement for increased safety moving forward and optimizing your campus operations to be poised to react quickly and stay informed moving forward.

This is the first in a series of webinars discussing the future of work and learning on campus and in the corporate world, and best practices to keep top-of-mind for managing your office spaces, meeting rooms, event spaces, shared spaces, and people both in-person and remote.

This webinar is an opportunity to share that knowledge, focusing on:

  • What has already changed on and off the campus
  • How institutions and their facilities will need to change to support “The New Normal”
  • The technology, policy and data necessary to get ahead of what is to come
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May 8, 2020