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Predictions for “The Great Return” to the Office

How and when will we return to the office? Explore predictions on how the workplace will change to support modern work and how to prepare for the future.

10 min read

In today’s working world, every day comes with the need to adapt and adjust as the situation around us evolves. Top of mind for leaders, facility managers and employees alike are the questions: how and when, or perhaps even if, (commas) we will return to the office, and what changes will need to be made to ensure safety and well-being?

Accruent and EMS are in the fortunate position of having clients across many industries and geographies. This has given our team a unique, informed perspective on how companies small and large are adapting.

We will discuss some unique approaches we have witnessed for supporting an increasingly remote workforce, phasing the workforce back into the office safely, and setting your operations up to stay informed and react quickly moving forward.

This is the first in a series of webinars discussing the future of work and best practices to keep top-of-mind for managing your office space, meeting rooms, workstations, desks and people.

This webinar covers:

  • What has already changed in the workplace.
  • How the workplace will change to support “The Great Return to Work”.
  • Long-term areas of uncertainty and how to prepare yourself.
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April 29, 2020