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Introducing the Maintenance Connection and RedEye Integration

Discover how the new integration between Maintenance Connection and RedEye is transforming asset maintenance. Learn how this unified solution tackles the costly challenges of fragmented data systems, streamlines workflows, and enhances safety.  

September 20, 2024
3 min read

Fragmented information can cripple an organization.  

Research by McKinsey & Co reveals that workers spend up to 20% of their week searching for internal documentation. Snaplogic’s white paper further highlights that 46% of organizations struggle to meet customer needs due to these challenges, costing companies in the US and UK $140 billion annually. 

Fragmented systems create a ripple effect of challenges across organizations. Without a centralized source of truth, teams struggle to access accurate, up-to-date information, leading to delayed decision-making and increased errors. Reliance on outdated or incomplete records becomes common, resulting in costly mistakes and operational inefficiencies. 

Inconsistent documentation methods, with information scattered across paper and digital formats, compound the issue. Such fragmentation not only complicates information management but also impedes the timely and accurate communication of field changes to as-built documents. This disconnect between on-site realities and official documentation leads to a perpetual cycle of outdated and unreliable records. 

The sum of these issues strains resources, heightens safety risks, and adds pressure on teams. 


The Seamless Solution 


At Accruent, we understand the challenges faced by today’s organizations and are excited to introduce a solution that addresses these issues directly. Our new integration between Maintenance Connection and RedEye seamlessly connects our cloud-based CMMS and EDMS, breaking down the silos that have long hindered maintenance operations. 

This integration eliminates the need for manual document management by automatically displaying relevant engineering documents and records from RedEye directly within work orders and assets in Maintenance Connection. This ensures that all necessary information is readily accessible in a single platform, streamlining workflows and enhancing accuracy with a unified source of truth. 

The integration goes beyond simply displaying records. It allows real-time updates from the field, enabling users to annotate engineering documents and keep as-builts current. This minimizes errors related to outdated data and ensures alignment within your team. Additionally, any changes made in either Maintenance Connection or RedEye are synchronized across both platforms, maintaining consistent records throughout the work order’s lifecycle. Users are notified of any newer document versions to avoid discrepancies. 

For those who prefer paper documents, our solution includes QR codes on printed engineering documents, which can be scanned to verify if the document is still the latest version, ensuring quick and accurate validation. 


Key Benefits of Integration 

  • Increased Efficiency: By accessing essential information directly within your maintenance management system, you eliminate the need to switch between multiple platforms, speeding up workflows, reducing delays, and enhancing productivity. 
  • Enhanced Safety: By ensuring that work is always conducted with the most current documents, the integration helps prevent errors from outdated or incorrect information, creating a safer working environment and supporting better decision-making. 
  • Streamlined Feedback: The integration improves team communication by facilitating rapid feedback from the field, ensuring documents accurately reflect the current state of assets. This leads to faster decision-making, better collaboration and a more cohesive workflow. 


Ready to Transform Your Maintenance Operations? Macbook Pro_v2

As the demands on maintenance teams evolve, a unified, cloud-based solution becomes increasingly crucial.  

Do not let fragmented data hold you back. Experience firsthand how the Maintenance Connection and RedEye integration can simplify your operations and boost productivity. Schedule a personalized demo with our team today and discover firsthand how our integration of RedEye and Maintenance Connection can streamline your processes and transform your operations. 


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September 20, 2024