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The Key to FASB Compliance: Keep Calm and Carry On

On-Demand Webinar
Understand the keys to achieving FASB compliance, important factors to consider, and the impacts FASB could have on your organization's financial reporting.

6 min read

Brian Ponchak, Director of Consulting Services for Cresa, discuss how changes in lease accounting will impact internal and external stakeholders in financial reporting, and the most important factors in implementing a comprehensive FASB solution.

Brian Ponchak, Director of Consulting Services for Cresa, will discuss how changes in lease accounting will impact internal and external stakeholders in financial reporting, and the most important factors in implementing a comprehensive FASB solution. In

  • An overview of lease accounting changes and the implementation timeline
  • Key factors and “watch-outs” to consider when evaluating and adopting a solution
  • Impacts on accounting controls, human resources and lease administration
  • Reactions from investors, creditors, ratings agencies, business partners and other stakeholders
  • Avoiding hysteria-inducing opportunists and alarmists
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December 12, 2016