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Energy Company

See how a leading oil & gas company is saving money while optimizing resources with the help of Meridian — Accruent’s engineering document management solution.

August 21, 2018
2 min read

The Company

This privately held energy company focuses on the exploration, development, and production of leading-edge bitumen (oil sands), including situ (underground) bitumen deposits in sand and carbonate formations. It established five project development areas with the potential to produce more than 600,000 gross barrels of bitumen per day.



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Between the time savings and optimizing the number of internal resources needed to manage documentation, we’re able to save significant capital annually and greatly enhance our operational efficiency."
— Project Manager


The Challenge

Due to the limitations of an existing system and the fact that documentation was stored in three different locations, it often took document controllers up to one and a half hours to find just a few files.

The company needed to find a better system that could:

  • Enable users to locate asset-related technical information more quickly and efficiently to keep up with the company’s current projects
  • Ensure that on-site construction teams were working with the most up-to-date engineering documents to avoid costly errors and rework
  • Help maintain compliance with numerous regulatory requirements to show that its documents are secure and properly controlled

“Meridian has streamlined our document control processes, allowing our Document Control Department to be much more efficient and organized. We believe the solution will yield additional improvements to operational efficiency, including increased revenue and profitability.”


The Solution

Meridian allowed the energy company to discover, monitor, and protect technical asset information throughout the entire asset lifecycle. A key feature is the built-in viewer, which provides redline, markup and comparison capabilities. Before redlines and markups are made, the document version at hand can be compared with previous versions or even with other documents. While comparing, the additions and deletions are shown and can be viewed independently.

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Meridian reduces the risks associated with regulatory non-compliance, including shutdowns, fines, and lengthy regulatory reviews and audits.”

The Result

By dramatically reducing the time to locate asset and project documentation, Meridian has helped the company make better use of document control resources and increase productivity. The solution has also given them the confidence to demonstrate regulatory compliance by ensuring that correct information is available at all times and controlling access to native data and information.

  • Single point of information for up-to-date, asset-related technical documentation
  • Improved accessibility, quality, and availability of asset and project documentation
  • Increased productivity and better use of document control resources
  • Compliance with numerous regulatory commitments, including Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA)
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August 21, 2018